Because demand is so high, and some people missed out on the lengths they wanted, Raw Ruby Silk is now Pre-Sale Only. Now you can order the lengths you want in any quantity and we will make it special just for you!
Inspired by the desires of our customers, Monk & Rose endeavored on a year-long journey to combine Monk's fiber spinning artistry with Rose’s dye witchery to create a wholly unique feast for the senses: Raw Ruby Silk.
Spun in-house from raw, unprocessed silk threads, Monk took special care to ensure the rope retrained that deliciously comforting flannel sheet-esque feel you’ve come to love from our Raw Silk, while Rose, using a dye process dating back to Feudal Japan, aimed to produce a depth and boldness of color thus far unseen on Silk Rope!
Be part of Rope history and get some today!
Supplies are very limited. We have plans to continue developing and refining our process, so please let us know what you think!
Please note, this is a hand-dyed product. expect some variance in dye saturation and possible color bleed when first used.